Rubrik for MongoDB
Modern protection for modern databases
Automatically protect your MongoDB databases as they are created and deliver flexible recovery across on-premises and the cloud.

Flexible protection you can count on
Simplify the protection of your MongoDB databases with a single software solution that allows you to backup where you want and recover how you want.
Pinpoint Backups
Protect Everything
Save on Storage
Gorilla Guide: Cyber Resilience for Databases
Learn how to ensure the resilience of these critical assets in the face of cyber-attacks, operational failures, and other database risks.

Bring Data Resilience and Remediation to Your MongoDB Databases
Automatically protect your MongoDB data and rapidly recover to restore business operations.
Stay protected without lifting a finger
Deploy Rubrik on physical servers, virtual machines, containerized environments, or cloud compute instances and automatically discover sources, databases, and collections as they are created. For sharded clusters, enter a single IP address for a source server and Rubrik will automatically discover all of the shards.
Configure backup frequency and retention through inherited SLAs that can be assigned at the cluster level to automatically protect your databases or at the database level to automatically protect your collections.

Recover what you want, how you want
Leverage point-in-time recoveries to bring back the data you need. Recover complete databases or filter down to specific collections. Easily restore operations of geographically distributed with support for sharded to sharded, sharded to unsharded, and unsharded to unsharded across on-premises and the cloud.

Unified management & reporting
Manage protection of all your databases across on-premises and the cloud with a centralized UI. Monitor operations with event audits and reporting to clearly identify tasks that have succeeded, failed, or have been canceled.

Databases Protection for Dummies
Learn how to accelerate backup and recovery speeds, protect against ransomware, and bridge the gap between backup and database administrators.

Tech Brief: Protecting MongoDB with Rubrik
Rubrik provides comprehensive data protection and management for your MongoDB databases. Learn how Rubrik provides automated discovery, a declarative SLA policy engine, native protection, and point-in-time granularity backups.

How it works: Protecting MongoDB with Rubrik
By leveraging Rubrik's robust features, such as policy-driven automation, flexible recovery across on-premises, unified management & reporting, and secure backups, users can ensure resilience, integrity, and accessibility of their MongoDB data, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity.
Ready to get started?
Get a personalized demo of the Rubrik Zero Trust Data Security platform.