Simplicity, Performance and Scale for Microsoft SQL Server Protection
Rubrik delivers management simplicity, powerful performance, and enterprise scale. Leverage Rubrik incremental forever backups to increase capacity and network efficiencies. Deliver self-service recoveries to designated users via role-based access control.
The Buyer's Guide to Backup & Recovery
A comprehensive, vendor-neutral backup & recovery buyer's guide to help you think through the strengths and weaknesses of backup & recovery solutions available today.

How It Works
Management Simplicity

- Auto-discover all SQL clusters and instances.
- Use incremental forever backups to drive capacity and network savings.
- Automate SLA policy compliance with intelligent log management.
- Spin up database clones with SQL Live Mount for test/dev in minutes without rehydration. SQL files are exposed via SMBv3 to the Windows Server running SQL Server.
Locate your SQL backups and files with predictive search, no matter where they’re located.
- Unlock cloud for test/dev or DR. Ensure protection of your SQL-based applications running in the cloud.
datasheet | Data sheet,Multiple use cases,Multiple workloads | data sheet
Rubrik for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server
Learn how Rubrik simplifies data protection for databases while providing access with near-zero RTOs.
whitepaper | ホワイトペーパー
Granular Object-Level Recovery for SQL Server
How to restore SQL Server databases, tables, and records without the need to provision storage resources or copy large amounts of data across the network.
whitepaper | ホワイトペーパー
Using SQL Server Live Mount for Testing and Development Purposes
Rubrik's Live Mount for SQL Server technology provides the ability to grant near instantaneous access to specific point in time copies of production databases. This Solutions Walkthrough will outline the process of utilizing Rubrik Live Mount to perform various testing and development use cases.
video | ビデオ
Operationalize Your SQL Server Backups With Rubrik
SQL Server is the top Rubrik workload among our largest customers. Come and take a look under the hood as we explore how you can leverage Rubrik APIs to address automation, migration, and the creation of self-service clones to maximize the value of your SQL backups.
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